Monday, May 6, 2013

Running Playlist - Top Fifteen

The other day I was finishing a hard run and my very favorite running song came on, giving me the boost I needed to get home. I reflected on how the perfect songs always seem to come on at just the right moment (though I guess I usually skip songs when I'm not feeling them, so that could be part of it!). While my 'wurkout' playlist gets mixed up frequently, a few songs always make the cut. My music tastes and my specific preferences for running music span many genres and as a whole, make up one pretty wacky playlist. So I thought I'd share with you my Top Fifteen Running Songs - and invite you to tell me yours too! I'm always looking for a sweet new beat to get me up that hill. (Literally 'that' hill - the one hill anywhere near my house on this flat, flat island.

(This was going to be a Top Ten list, but I couldn't narrow it down. Well, I mean, I guess you can just look at the Top Ten, but I had to mention the other 5 too!)

These songs make the list for a variety of reasons. Some make me feel good, some have great beats, some have running-related lyrics, and some are just hilarious.

For your convenience, I have kindly linked to YouTube videos of the songs where possible! Please note, not all are suitable for children or sensitive listeners.

15. Saturday Night - Ozomatli: Great, great beat! Funky, Latin beat with fun horn lines, and if you listen closely, you'll here snippets of Charlie Brown saying 'I got a rock!'

14. Big Girl (You Are Beautiful) - Mika: Now, I've seen pictures of myself running, and it's not exactly pretty! Bright red cheeks, soaked tee-shirt, mouth hanging slightly ajar as I gasp for air. But when I listen to this song, I'm like, 'heck yeah I am beautiful!' and I kick it up a notch.

13. Hey Ya - Outkast: The moment this song comes on, you'll be shaking it like a Polaroid picture fo sho. When you're running it is good to shake out your arms and make sure you aren't running stiffly - so this is the perfect song to remind you to loosen up and run relaxed.

12. Go the Distance - Hercules (Disney) This songs dates back to my high school cross country days, when Carolyn Auchter and I would get pumped up for races by listening to Disney music!

11. Change (Halleluia) - Taylor Swift: This is a song about persevering despite obstacles and getting stronger with time, both good things to remember when you're running. And I just straight up like Taylor Swift.

10. Baby Got Back - Sir Mix-A-Lot: YES! Vulgar but fantastic. You'll find yourself working it while you run! Particularly enjoy the opening dialogue!

9. I Feel the Earth Move - Carole King: I love Carole King and this is one of her more rocking songs. You'll feel the earth move under your feet - and not because of some guy, but because you're making it happen!

8. Livin' on a Prayer - Bon Jovi: Best to listen to when you're at least halfway through your run (so that the 'halfway there' lyrics are encouraging instead of disheartening), this epic love story of Tommy and Gina will make you feel awesome. And when you get to the key change near the end, just try not to throw your hands in the air and sing along!

7. Don't Stop til you Get Enough - Michael Jackson: Gotta have some MJ in here. This song tells you over and over not to stop, which is great encouragement! Also appreciate all the MJ 'wooooos!'

6. Wavin' Flag - K'naan: This is a personal favorite of mine because it reminds me of my South Africa YAGMs and of the World Cup, but it also has a brilliant message. "When I get older, I will be stronger, they'll call me freedom, just like a wavin' flag!"

5. Toxic - Britney: If you don't have Britney on your playlist, what's wrong with you? Besides being hilarious and high energy, you can remind yourself of this fact: "If Britney can make it through 2007, I can make it through this run."

4. Gangnam Style - Psy: This song is 100% worth the hype! Try running to it - see if you don't end up doing the horsey dance just a bit. Also, when I listen to this, I feel like all the runners near me would approve if they could hear it. And I believe that if I brought speakers and played it out loud, my life would become a musical for a few minutes, and everyone on the street would break out in perfectly-choreographed dancing!

3. Joy to the World - Three Dog Night: Oldie but a goody, this song has the world's best key change. Plus, Joy to the World - good message. Joy to everyone!

2. I Just Had Sex - Lonely Island (from SNL): Crass as it is, this song is the perfect edition to your workout mix. First - it will make you smile. When this songs comes on, you can't take yourself to seriously. Second - it is a hilarious song to listen to over headphones while running in public, because no one you pass has any idea! The jubilant nature of the song, along with the final key change into the chorus (everybody sing!) will help you pick up your pace and perhaps make you want to throw in a fist pump or two.

1. Paper Planes - M.I.A.: This is the BEST running song! The tempo is perfect to make you lengthen your stride and power through. Also, you will totally feel as bad-ass as M.I.A. herself. If I were ever going to make a montage of myself running (which I won't, don't worry), this would be the soundtrack. Just try to refrain from doing the side-ways gunshot motion during the chorus, as it will confuse and possibly frighten those around you.

What are your top workout songs? Apart from Gangnam Style, you'll see my song selections are a little dated - I could use some help entering this decade!

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